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Holiday Rose Bouquet

  • For a delightful floral gift to share holiday cheer, consider the Holiday Rose Bouquet from New York Blooms. With a mix of white and red roses adorned with gold holiday-themed ornaments and wrapped in a festive bow, this bouquet is a wonderful way to wish someone a Merry Christmas. It makes a perfect gift on its own, or you can enhance the festive gesture by pairing it with champagne, wine, chocolates, or other gourmet delights.

  • Christmas inspired roses bouquet :This bouquet includes a collection of roses and flowers gathered together in a stylized glass vase. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift. 

    Cylinder glass vase :Versatile, multifunctional, and economical vase set is simply beautiful and timeless-makes a gorgeous centerpiece or gift. Made lead free. Diameter 3", Height 6".



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